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Photo Credit: Stefania Galluccio @mystoo
1360 - 12/2/2023 7:48:28 AM  

Government of Canada Announces Projects Funded Under The Community Services Recovery Fund

For Immediate Release - December 1, 2023 

Today, Lloyd Longfield, Member of Parliament for Guelph, on behalf of the Minister of Families, Children  and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, announced funding for 38 local organizations*, totaling  $2,050,435.00 through the Community Services Recovery Fund.  

Community service organizations are at the forefront of addressing community needs. During the  pandemic, many of these vital organizations struggled with increased demand for their services, reduced  revenues, declines in charitable giving and a greater reliance on digital tools. Their post-pandemic  recovery is key to their continued ability to offer services and adapt to the changing needs of communities  across Canada. 

"During COVID we saw the importance of the federal government directly supporting our community via  the agencies that are connected to our front-line needs, volunteers, and additional funding sources to  provide support quickly and where it is needed. Guelph is known for its community collaborations, and  the Community Services Recovery Fund provides support for those who need it using our local networks."  – Lloyd Longfield, Member of Parliament for Guelph   

Thanks to the Community Services Recovery Fund, these local community service organizations will be  able to adapt, modernize and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility and sustainability  of the community services and supports that they provide. Whether the funded projects focus on  recruitment and retention, modernizing organizational systems and processes, or innovating program  delivery, the Community Services Recovery Fund reflects the Government’s commitment to invest in this  sector, so that community service organizations can continue to support families and individuals across  Canada.  

“Community service organizations are often the first to identify and respond to emerging needs, and they  are often the ones best positioned to create real change at the local level. Through the Community  Services Recovery Fund, the Government of Canada recognizes and supports the critical role these  organizations play in building strong, resilient and inclusive communities. This funding will help these  organizations expand their reach, build their resilience to better adapt to emerging challenges, and make  a greater impact in the lives of the people they serve.”  – Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development 

The application process for this fund was managed by three National Funder organizations: the Canadian  Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada. These National  Funders were selected to deliver the Community Services Recovery Fund to a broad and diverse range  of community service organizations across Canada. 

For more information, including a list of funded projects, visit the National Funders’ Community Services  Recovery Fund website

Quick Facts 

• The Community Services Recovery Fund was announced in Budget 2021 as a one-time,  $400 million investment to help community service organizations adapt, modernize and build  internal organizational capacity. This investment will strengthen the charitable and non-profit  sector as it supports post-pandemic recovery in communities across Canada.  

The Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada and United Way Centraide  Canada were selected as the National Funders to deliver the Community Services Recovery  Fund following a solicited call and open process for expressions of interest. They will deliver  funding to a broad and diverse range of community service organizations across Canada,  including charities, non-profits and Indigenous governing bodies.  

The Community Services Recovery Fund has two funding streams: one for local or regional  community service organizations serving a portion of a province or territory, and one for  community service organizations serving the entire country, an entire province or territory, or  multiple provinces or territories. 

Funding from the Community Services Recovery Fund will enable community service  organizations to invest in their own organizational capacity under one of the following  three project focus areas:  

o Investing in People – projects that focus on how organizations recruit, retain, engage and  support their personnel. 

o Investing in Systems and Processes – projects that invest in the systems and processes  involved in creating the internal workings of an organization’s overall structure. 

o Investing in Program and Service Innovation and Redesign – projects primarily focused on  program and service innovation and redesign using information gained during the COVID-19  pandemic. 

• The Community Services Recovery Fund builds on the successful delivery of the $350 million  Emergency Community Support Fund, where the Government of Canada funded over  11,570 projects serving vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Agencies funded in Guelph include:  

Hopewell Children's Homes $80,068 
The Nightingale Centre $99,971 
Guelph Tool Library $34,496 
Hospice Wellington $12,600 
Guelph Dance $63,840 

Guelph Wish Fund for Children $43,260 
Unitarian Congregation of Guelph $77,224 
Community Living Guelph Wellington $99,396 
Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition $83,754  
Up and Running Guelph $27,328 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Guelph $21,431 
Guelph Independent Living $97,216 
Guelph Film Festival $51,094 
Circle Home Charity Society $12,900 
Ed Video Media Arts Centre $37,000 

Guelph Community Health Centre $100,000 
Guelph and District Multicultural Festival $35,450 
Compass CS $100,000 West Village Co-op $42,500
Children's Foundation of Guelph and Wellington $38,450 
Food4Kids Guelph $38,000 

Guelph Black Heritage Society $54,406  
CMHA Waterloo Wellington (CMHA WW) $150,000 
Royal City Mission $20,650 
Michael House $20,000 10C 
Shared Space (10C) $74,486 

Action Read $37,300 
Art Not Shame $37,839 
Church of the Apostles $29,000 
Community of Hearts Livelong Learning Centre $11,800 
Guelph Public Library $60,000 

Guelph Wellington Seniors Association $9,018 
Guelph Wellington Women In Crisis $38,435  
Hope House Guelph $178,000 
Shelldale Family Gateway $51,570 
The Elliott Community $16,960
Trinity United Church $14,993 
Wyndham House $50,000 

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