The series opens on Friday May 29 with the Cecilia Duo—Sarah Nematallah and Min-Jeong Koh, the two incredible (and beautiful) violinists from the world-renowned Cecilia String Quartet. Virtuoso music for 2 violins by Bach, Handel/Halvorsen, Prokofiev and Shostakovich. They are joined by pianist Ken Gee for Moszkowski’s Suite in G minor for 2 violins & piano.
The great pianist André Laplante returns on Friday June 5. His stunning Musicfest recital in 2013 had the crowd roaring with delight. He brings with him a powerhouse program of Bach-Busoni, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven and the great Liszt Sonata in B minor.
The Festival Trio returns on Friday June 12, featuring Canadian/Belgian violinist Sadie Fields, cellist Paul Pulford and pianist Ken Gee. They’re playing a great program of trios by Beethoven’s Trio in C minor, op. 1; Piazzolla’s Four Seasons, and the monumental Shostakovich Trio no. 2 in E minor.
The series ends in fine style with the Festival Quartet, with violinist Jerzy Kaplanek, violist Christine Vlajk, cellist Katie Schlaikjer (all from the renowned Penderecki String Quartet) and pianist Ken Gee. A wonderful variety of music by Beethoven, Hindemith and Brahms, concluding with the Brahms Piano Quartet in G minor.
All the concerts are in the beautiful Recital Hall of the Guelph Youth Music Centre, 75 Cardigan St., Guelph. Perfect Acoustics and only 180 seats make the music up close and personal for a truly inspiring chamber music experience. As this season’s slogan says, “more reasons to cheer!”
All the information is at
Tickets are now on sale!
Series & single concert tickets can be ordered online or by phone 519.993.7591.
A series of Early Bird Specials will let early buyers cash in on a variety of deals, including discounts and free tickets!
Musicfest welcomes its new Series sponsors for 2015… The Woolwich Arrow Pub and Borealis Restaurant (Guelph).
All advance tickets will include a discount coupon for the “Wooly” or Borealis Restaurant Guelph.
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